Jul 29, 2023, 12:20 PM IST

Dengue: Fruits to help to recover from fever


People contract dengue viruses when an infected Aedes species mosquito (Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus) bites them. 4 billion people, or close to half of the world's population, reside in dengue-risk areas. In risky areas, dengue is frequently the main cause of illness.

Although mild dengue symptoms can be mistaken for other illnesses like feeling feverish, pains, or a rash, dengue's most prevalent symptom is fever with other problems including nausea, vomiting, rash, eye pain, aches, and pain in the muscles, joints, or bones.

 The typical duration of signs of dengue is 2–7 days. The majority of people will recover in about a week. While recovering from Dengue, it is advisable to include fruits in you diet to help you gain strength quickly.

Pomegranate known for having a lot of iron. In order to recover from dengue, it helps to maintain a healthy blood platelet count. It fights tiredness and weakness, which frequently occur in dengue and last for weeks after healing from the acute stage and has beneficial effect on the body. 

According to numerous studies, kiwi fruit has an efficient curative influence on dengue fever and other accompanying symptoms. It has copper, which is crucial for the development of strong red blood cells and boosting infection resistance. Additionally, it contains plenty of potassium, vitamin E, and vitamin A, all of which help to keep the body's electrolyte balance.

It is a natural water source that offers vital minerals and electrolytes. Dehydration typically happens after dengue, but coconut water has enough minerals and salts to prevent dehydration. For a speedy recovery, it's advised to drink a lot of fluids, and coconut water is one of the necessary and easily accessible fluids that promotes quick recovery.

Fruits that are simple to digest include bananas. Patients are suggested to have food that is simple to digest, rich in nutrients, while keeping a balanced diet for rapid recovery from dengue. Apart from to being one of the best snacks for digestion, they are also a good source of potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, all of which aid in disease recovery, TOI reported.

It is also a good source of vitamin C in addition to having a high level of iron, fibre, and powerful antioxidants. It increases patients' cellular immunity and defends against dengue fever. Due to its potent antioxidant properties, dragon fruit aids in regaining bone strength and raises haemoglobin, which are both common side effects of dengue fever.

Disclaimer: The aforementioned is not our opinion; for the best guidance, always speak with your doctor or a dietician/nutritionist before incorporating any foods into your diet.

Papain and chymopapain, two digestive enzymes that aid in digestion, reduce gas, and treat additional digestive problems, are found in papaya extract. Papaya leaves are a widely used and strongly advised treatment for dengue. By increasing platelet count, freshly extracted papaya leaf juice helps treat dengue. 

Photo: Pixabay