Mar 10, 2024, 06:23 PM IST

Effective hacks to get rid of body odor

Shweta Singh

Shower at least once a day, using an antibacterial soap or body wash to kill odor-causing bacteria.

Regular Showering

Wear clean clothes made of breathable fabrics like cotton, which allow sweat to evaporate and reduce bacterial growth.

Clean Clothes

Apply antiperspirant or deodorant daily to clean, dry skin. Antiperspirants help reduce sweating, while deodorants mask odor.

Antiperspirant or Deodorant

For those who can, shaving your underarms can help reduce bacterial growth and odor.

Shave Underarms

Drinking plenty of water helps regulate body temperature and dilutes sweat, reducing odor.

Stay Hydrated

Baking soda can help neutralize odors. Apply it directly to your underarms or add it to your bathwater.

Use Baking Soda

Diluted apple cider vinegar can help kill odor-causing bacteria. Apply it to your underarms with a cotton ball and let it dry before getting dressed.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Like vinegar, lemon juice has natural antibacterial properties. Apply it to your underarms and let it dry before rinsing off.

Lemon Juice

Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, or moisture-wicking materials that help keep sweat away from your skin and reduce bacterial growth.

Wear Breathable Fabrics