Dec 13, 2023, 02:38 PM IST

Exercises and tips to get rid of double chin

Jaisal Kaur

1. Straight jaw exercise

Push your head backwards and stare at the ceiling. Push your lower jaw forward and stretch it.

2. Stretch your tongue 

Look straight and stretch your tongue out, then lift it upwards, pointing towards nose.

Ball exercise

Place a small  ball under the chin. Hold it between neck and chin for some time.

Massage wheat germ oil

Massage wheat germ oil under the chin for 10 minutes and leave it overnight. Wheat Germ oil is rich in vitamin E tightens the skin around jaws and reduces the accumulation of fat. 

Egg, milk, honey

Egg white, milk and honey have excellent skin tightening quality that reduces double chin.

 Olive oil

It is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E that nourishes the skin and also tightens it and reduce the accumulation of fat under the chin.

Loaded with catechins, green tea is the best for leading to weight loss from all over the body. 

Green tea

Vitamin E capsules

The antioxidants in vitamin E oil not only protects the skin from damage but also reduce reduces the fat in double chin.