Dec 14, 2023, 09:41 PM IST

Flowers that bloom at night

Shweta Singh

This vine produces large, white, fragrant flowers that bloom at night and close during the day.


This cactus produces large, fragrant white flowers that bloom only at night and wilt by morning.

Night-Blooming Cereus

This plant bears clusters of small, white flowers that emit a sweet scent during the night.

Night Phlox

Its yellow flowers open at dusk and close by mid-morning.

Evening Primrose

Small, tubular white flowers that emit a strong, sweet fragrance at night.

Night Jasmine

These trumpet-shaped flowers bloom at night, emitting a pleasant fragrance.


Also known as Angel's Trumpet, its large, trumpet-shaped flowers open at night and have a strong, sweet scent.


This plant's colorful, tubular flowers typically open in the late afternoon or evening and stay open through the night.

Four O'Clock Flower