Sep 3, 2024, 10:27 PM IST

Foods, drinks that can harm your brain, memory

Jaisal Kaur

Here are few foods that are harmful for your brain.

Refined carbs: Carbs with enormous glycemic index (GI) can harm brain and boost risk of dementia. 

Sugary drinks: They have enormous glycemic index (GI) and can harm your brain and cause dementia. 

Aspartame: Aspartame is an artificial sweetener present in sugar-free products, which can be harmful for your brain.

Alcohol: It can badly affect your brain.

Foods rich in trans fats: Trans fats are unsaturated fat that can harm your brain health.

Fish rich in mercury: This can be very harmful for fetuses and brains of young kids.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports