Jan 10, 2024, 01:05 PM IST

Foods rich in Vitamin D

Shweta Singh

This fatty fish is a great source of Vitamin D, offering a hefty dose in just a single serving.


Some varieties, like shiitake, when exposed to sunlight, provide a natural source of Vitamin D.


They contain Vitamin D, particularly when the chickens producing them have been exposed to sunlight or fed Vitamin D-enriched feed.

Egg yolks

Certain dairy items, like milk and yogurt, are fortified with Vitamin D to enhance their nutritional value.

Fortified dairy products

Some brands fortify their orange juice with Vitamin D, providing a boost of this essential nutrient.

Fortified orange juice

A teaspoon of this oil provides a significant amount of Vitamin D, though it's not a common standalone food.

Cod liver oil

Some tofu products are fortified with Vitamin D, offering a plant-based option for this nutrient.

Fortified tofu