Aug 22, 2024, 10:21 PM IST

Foods that can weaken your bone, joint and muscles

Jaisal Kaur

Aerated drinks: Aerated drinks extract calcium out of your bones, and makes them brittle. 

Sugary foods: Overconsumption of sugar can be detrimental to bone and joint health. 

Coffee: Coffee extracts calcium from your bones, making them brittle and weak.

Salt: Salt has enormous sodium content, which weakens your bone density.

Alcohol: Alcohol limits bone-developing cell called osteoblasts, because of which calcium does not get absorbed.

Raw Spinach and Swiss Chard: Rich green raw spinach and Swiss chard contain oxalates, which limit calcium supply to the body.

Legumes: Legumes limit your body from absorbing calcium. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports