Dec 20, 2023, 01:32 PM IST

Foods that work as natural detox

Khushi Patel


Having a high vitamin C concentration, lemons help the body's natural detoxification process by promoting liver cleansing and digesting


Has sulfur-containing chemicals that help cleanse the liver and remove toxins from the body

Green Tea

Rich in antioxidants, green tea helps the liver function properly and remove toxins from the body

Leafy Greens

High in chlorophyll, which aids in the body's detoxification and toxin removal, vegetables like spinach, kale and chard are a good source of this nutrient


Beets include betalains, which improve liver function and help the body's detoxification process


Known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, turmeric promotes general health and liver detoxification


Promotes perspiration and circulation, which aids in detoxifying and aids in digestion

Cruciferous Vegetables

The chemicals in cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts help the liver's detoxifying enzymes


Although it's not a food, drinking enough of it is essential for detoxification since it helps the body eliminate toxins through perspiration and urine