Jun 24, 2024, 10:23 AM IST

Foods to eat after morning run for instant energy

Ritik Raj

Sip water: Sip water to replenish any lost fluids and to stay hydrated during your run.

High-protein snacks: It can help repair your muscles after a run. Some examples of such snacks are Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, or protein bars.

Carbs: Consume complex carbs like quinoa, sweet potatoes, and whole grains to replenish your glycogen stores.

Omega-3: Include fatty fish in your diet, like salmon, to get the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

Electrolytes: You can make a homemade electrolyte solution, use sports drinks, or coconut water to replenish your electrolyte levels.

Nutrient-Rich: Blend fruits, leafy greens, and protein powder to make a nourishing smoothie that will aid in your speedy and healthy recovery after your run.

Vitamin C: Consume fruits high in vitamin C, like oranges or strawberries, to support tissue repair and strengthen your immune system.

This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.