Apr 25, 2024, 04:22 PM IST

High carb foods that you should avoid

Shweta Singh

White bread is highly processed and has a high glycemic index, leading to spikes in blood sugar levels.

White Bread

Similar to white bread, white rice is refined and lacks fiber and nutrients found in whole grains.

White Rice

Soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks are loaded with sugar, leading to rapid spikes in blood sugar.

Sugary Drinks

These are often made with refined flour and high amounts of added sugars.

Pastries and Cakes

These are high in carbs and often cooked in unhealthy oils, making them a poor choice for those watching their carb intake.

Potato Chips

Like white bread and white rice, regular pasta is made from refined flour and is high in carbs.

Regular Pasta

Candy is essentially pure sugar and offers little to no nutritional value.


Many breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar and carbs, even those marketed as healthy options.

Sweetened Breakfast Cereals