Mar 16, 2024, 09:22 PM IST

Mishri vs Sugar: Which is better?

Ritik Raj

Although everyone likes sweet foods like chocolates, mithai, and laddoos, it is well known that consuming excessive amounts of sweets can result in diabetes, obesity, and elevated blood sugar levels.

Mishri: Known as rock candy or candy sugar, mishri is a natural sweetener that bears no resemblance to candy other than its sweetness.

Sugar: Although both mishri and sugar are made from sugarcane, the processes used to make them are very different: sugar is refined, while mishri is not.

The raw sugar is made from sugarcane juice, which is then combined with milk and water and put in big drums to dry and crystallize the mishri on the threads.

On the other hand, table sugar, or regular sugar, is refined even further using different substances.

Therefore, even though mishri is just as sweet as sugar, it is produced in a different manner, so we were able to get the go-ahead to use it in place of sugar. 

Mishri has a cooling quality whereas sugar has a heating quality, in addition to being easier to digest.

Now let’s explore the narrative and determine which is healthier and why.

Ayurveda claims that sugar has no medicinal qualities while mishri has numerous benefits, including balancing the body's pitta and vata doshas.

When it comes to comparisons between sugar and mishri, mishri comes out on top because it is unprocessed and contains some vitamins and minerals, which sugar does not. Therefore, start using mishri in place of sugar.

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