Jul 13, 2024, 05:15 PM IST

Monsoon hack: Use AC like this to save electricity bill

Pravrajya Suruchi

With the arrival of rains, there is some relief from the heat, but people get troubled by the humidity. We are talking about sticky heat.

In this type of weather, the temperature is low but the heat is very high. In such a situation, the cooler does not provide relief from the heat and AC has to be used.

If you are also using AC in this season, then by keeping some things in mind your electricity bill can be reduced.

In fact, if the outside temperature is low, the AC has to work less hard to keep the room cool. However, AC works in reducing humidity.

If you are living in a hot region, then the ideal temperature for you to sleep is 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. In such a situation, you should use the AC at this temperature.

Along with this, many modes are available in your AC. For better cooling during monsoon season, you should use AC in dry mode.

Actually, in dry mode the AC has to work less and this saves electricity. If you have not used it yet, do it now.

By doing this you can reduce your electricity bill. Along with this, do not forget to clean the AC filter. This will give you better results.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports