Oct 4, 2023, 11:08 AM IST

World's 10 most beautiful creatures


Scarlet Macaw: Macaws are exotic birds inhabiting the rainforests of South America. Part of their beauty is the bright colours in their plumage: bright yellow, crimson red, green grass, royal blue and orange.

White Bengal Tiger: The white tiger or bleached tiger is a leucistic pigmentation variant of the mainland Asian tiger. It has the typical black stripes of a tiger, but its coat is otherwise white or near-white.

Mute Swan: The exotic Mute Swan is the elegant bird of Russian ballets and European fairy tales. This swan swims with its long neck curved into an S and often holds its wings raised slightly above its back. 

White Peacock: White peafowl (peacock) display a bleached version of the classic peacock and it's just as remarkable. These birds are usually not albino, as they're sometimes called, but rather leucistic fat loss.

Dolphin: Dolphins may swim through the water as gracefully as any fish, but they are not fish, they are mammals. Dolphins are in the ranks of famous marine mammals such as whales, seals, and manatees. 

Mandarinfish: These little fish are brightly colored for a reason. They are warning any potential predators that they are poisonous! The mandarin fish is covered in tiny little spikes, and when touched, they will inject poisonous mucus.

Chameleon: These colourful lizards are known for their ability to change their colour. Their long, sticky tongue and their eyes can be moved independently of each other.

Friesian Horse: The breed is known for a brisk, high-stepping trot. A Friesian tends to have great presence and to carry itself with elegance.

Siberian Husky: Siberian Husky is a thickly coated, compact sled dog of medium size and great endurance. They are friendly, fastidious and dignified.

Glasswinged Butterfly: The glass-winged butterfly has wings that are transparent. The tissue between their veins looks like glass, as it lacks the colored scales found in other butterflies. 

Photos: Freepik, Unsplash