Dec 19, 2023, 01:41 PM IST

Side effects of drinking coffee empty stomach

Khushi Patel

Acid reflux

When there is nothing to buffer the stomach acid on an empty stomach, coffee can increase the formation of acid in the stomach, which can cause acid reflux or heartburn

Increased stomach acidity

Coffee has the potential to increase stomach acid production, which may irritate or discomfort the stomach or exacerbate pre-existing conditions like gastritis


Due to coffee's stimulating effect on the digestive system, some people may feel queasy or nauseous after eating it without food

Increases anxiety

Because there is nothing to slow down the absorption of caffeine when it is ingested on an empty stomach, the stimulant impact of caffeine might exacerbate jitters or anxiety

Upset stomatch

Acidity of coffee and its effect on the stomach lining can cause upset stomachs, particularly in people with delicate digestive systems


When coffee is ingested without enough water or other fluids, its diuretic impact may cause an increase in urine production, which could exacerbate dehydration

Low blood sugar

 Coffee has the ability to temporarily lower blood sugar levels by stimulating the production of insulin, which might be troublesome for people who already have diabetes or low blood sugar

Sleep issues

Coffee's stimulating properties can disrupt sleep cycles when consumed on an empty stomach, making it harder to fall or stay asleep

Elevated heart rate and palpitations

Due to caffeine's stimulating effect on the neurological system, some people may experience a brief elevation in heart rate or palpitations, particularly those who are sensitive