May 4, 2024, 07:37 AM IST

Side effects of drinking milk tea daily

Ritik Raj

Tea has a permanent place in every Indian household, but it also has some unavoidable side effects. Here are the seven side effects of drinking milk tea every day.

Headache: Drinking too much milk tea can lead to dehydration, which in turn can produce headaches.

Constipation: Too much tea consumption can cause the body to become dry and dehydrated, which makes it harder to pass stool.

Anxiety: Drinking tea can make anxiety sufferers' symptoms worse. This means that they should refrain from consuming tea on a regular basis.

Bloating: The caffeine in tea can make you feel bloated in your stomach. Tea that has milk added to it may become more acidic, which can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable.

Dehydration: Because milk tea contains caffeine, it can cause dehydration, especially when ingested in large amounts.

Insomnia: If a person drinks a lot of tea or right before bed, the caffeine in it can interfere with their sleep cycle and lead to insomnia.

Blood pressure imbalances: Consuming too much milk tea can cause blood pressure to become unbalanced, which can be detrimental to one's health.

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