Sep 6, 2023, 05:03 PM IST

Skin care tips for oily skin


Their could be many reasons for you to have an oily skin. Some of it are stress, humidity, genetics and fluctuating hormones. 

So, in order to get rid of oily skin or avoid the possibility of having it, try these skincare tips to experience better results.

Apply a lightweight moisturizer in the morning and evening as it will helps regulate oil production and cleanse your skin.

Use toner that contain lactic acid, salicylic acid and glycolic acid as it will be effective towards reducing oil and also help reduce dullness.

Use honey for your oily skin as it helps to regenerate skin cells, at the same time, it is also effective in fighting acne prone skin.

Always apply sunscreen that contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide whenever you head outside as the UV exposure can cause sunburn and premature aging.