Dec 18, 2023, 01:33 PM IST

Steps to make your own glycerin moisturizer

Deepika Shakya

 Gather Ingredients

Collect glycerin, water, and aloe vera gel for a hydrating base.

Measurements Matter

Use 1 tbsp. glycerin, 1 tbsp. aloe vera, and 2 tbsp water for the perfect blend.

Mixing Magic

 Combine ingredients in a bowl and stir thoroughly to create a uniform mixture.

 Optional Add

Customize with a few drops of essential oil for a delightful fragrance and added skin benefits.


 Ensure your chosen containers are clean

Pour Carefully

Transfer the mixture into containers.

Label with Love

Clearly mark your creation with the date and ingredients for future reference.

Apply and Enjoy

Use your homemade glycerin moisturizer daily for soft, supple skin.