Jul 24, 2024, 08:32 PM IST

Superfoods to eat before and after a workout for best results

Jaisal Kaur


Take break of about 20 minutes to 30 mins between the meal and the workout session. Consume meals that are smaller and simpler.

Drinking a protein shake or full meal within 1-2 hours requires lean muscles and energy buildup. 

Consume simple carbohydrates like fruits, sprouts or dates and 10 soaked almonds.

Strength training requires enormous protein intake, while cardio routines need a good carbohydrate intake with protein to balance the calories. 

After workout eat foods like eggs, chicken breast, turkey, whole grains, cottage cheese and veggies.

Consume proteins and carbohydrates to build muscles and reduce post-workout DOMS. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.