Mar 6, 2024, 03:27 PM IST

Tips to balance your life as a working mom

Khushi Patel

Have Reasonable Expectations

Recognise that you are not flawless and that it is OK to ask for assistance when necessary. Prioritise your duties according to priority and urgency and establish reasonable expectations for yourself

Set limits

To avoid burnout and preserve a healthy balance, establish limits between your home and professional lives. Set up specific work hours and try not to do job-related activities when spending time with your family

Make self-care a priority

Schedule time for rejuvenating and recharging self-care activities. Make relaxation and unwinding activities a priority, whether it's working out, reading, practicing meditation, or engaging in hobbies

Assign tasks

Assign family members to take care of domestic duties and chores, or, if you can't do it yourself, think about hiring assistance. By splitting up the chores, you can reduce your workload and free up more time for family time

Plan and organise

To increase productivity and reduce stress, plan and organise your calendar. Remind yourself of family activities, obligations, and appointments by using digital applications, planners, or calendars

Practice time management

Prioritise your work, establish deadlines, and cut down on distractions to help you efficiently manage your time. Determine which activities are a waste of time and give priority to those that fit your values and ambitions

Remain adaptive

Remain flexible and adaptive to unforeseen circumstances or changes. Accept change and modify your plans as necessary to meet obligations to your family or your job

Identify a supportive network

Encircle yourself with a network of relatives, friends, and other working mothers who are sympathetic to your struggles. Ask each other for guidance, exchange stories, and show each other support

Identify a supportive network

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