Mar 19, 2024, 06:01 PM IST

 Tips to grow money plant in bottle

Deepika Shakya

Growing a money plant in a bottle is a fun and rewarding way to add greenery to your home decor.

Select a clear glass bottle or jar with a wide enough opening to accommodate the plant's roots and allow for proper drainage.

Choose the Right Bottle

Start with a healthy money plant cutting. Trim off any excess leaves from the lower portion of the stem to create a clean stem for planting. 

Prepare the Plant

Water the money plant sparingly to avoid waterlogging, as excess moisture can lead to root.


Place the bottle in a location where it receives plenty of natural light but is protected from direct sunlight


Trim any dead or yellowing leaves as needed to promote healthy growth and maintain the plant's appearance.


Money plants generally don't require frequent fertilization, but you can use a balanced liquid fertilizer


By following these tips, you can create a beautiful money plant in a bottle

Remember to monitor the plant's growth and adjust care as needed to ensure its continued health