Mar 25, 2023, 09:13 PM IST

Top 5 highest mountain peaks in India

Shweta Singh

Kangchenjunga is the third-highest peak in the world and 1st in India. It stands tall with an elevation of 8,586 meters (28,169 ft).

Nanda Devi is one of the highest mountains in the world and ranked second in India. This is the highest peak (entirely) in the country because Kanchenjunga lies on the border areas of India and Nepal.

The Kamet is the highest summit in the Zaskar Mountain Range of the Garhwal region in the Chamoli District of Uttarakhand. Kamet is the second highest mountain summit of the Garhwal Himalayas.

The Saltoro Kangri is the highest peak of the Saltoro Mountain range, a sub-range of Karakoram. (the biggest range of greater Himalaya mountains).  

The Saser Kangri is a group of five majestic mountain peaks. It is the highest mountain peak among all five brothers with an elevation of  7,672 m (25,171 ft) and Ranked 35th in the world.