Jun 30, 2024, 07:13 AM IST

Water fasting: What happens to your body if you only drink water for 24 hours?

Pravrajya Suruchi

Dip in Energy Levels: Your body's primary source of energy is glucose, derived from carbohydrates in food. Without food intake, your body will start using stored glycogen (sugar) from your liver and muscles for energy.

Increased Hunger Pangs: As your body searches for alternative energy sources, you'll likely experience hunger pangs. These are signals from your stomach and brain that it's time to eat.

 Breakdown of Muscle Tissue (Minimal in 24 hours): In extreme or prolonged starvation scenarios (beyond 24 hours), the body may start to break down muscle tissue for energy.

Ketosis (Not Likely in 24 hours): Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body starts using fat for fuel instead of glucose. This typically occurs after several days of fasting, not within 24 hours.

Changes in Mood and Irritability: The lack of readily available glucose can affect the brain, impacting mood and concentration. You might feel irritable, restless, or have difficulty focusing.

Dehydration Risk: Even with just water intake, dehydration can still occur, especially if you're sweating or in a hot environment. Dehydration can worsen fatigue, headaches, and dizziness.

Body Starts Recycling Processes: Your body is remarkably efficient. Within 24 hours, it will begin to conserve energy by slowing down non-essential functions like digestion and cell repair.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports