Dec 14, 2023, 05:56 PM IST

Whole fruits vs Juice: which is healthier for you?

Ritik Raj

Adding fruits to your diet is essential for maintaining a healthy diet, whether by making juice from fruits or simply eating whole fruits.

But when it comes to deciding between a plate of fruits and a glass of fruit juice, we frequently get confused.

However, we have determined which option you should select today.

Fruit juices are an easy way to consume, which provides you with essential vitamins and plant chemicals in a convenient way.

Fruit juices

Fruit juices are deficient in dietary fibre and other nutrients found in the skin and pulp of fruits.

Fruit juices

A plate full of whole fruits may be a good addition to your healthy diet because it provides your body with the full benefits of the fruit, combining all of its nutrients and fibres.

Whole fruits

Fibre, especially dietary fibre, is essential for the body's function; it contributes to reducing blood cholesterol levels and might help you reduce heart disease.


Whole fruits are a clear winner, as they give you all the nutrient benefits that juices give you but also provide you with dietary fibre in the body, which is lacking in fruit juices.

Whole fruits vs juice

This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.