Nov 29, 2023, 10:47 AM IST
Chikoo contains vital nutrients that may strengthen your immune system, including potassium, sodium, copper, iron, and magnesium.
Starfruits contain vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, aids in the production of white blood cells, and keeps the body warm.
Papaya is regarded by Ayurveda as being healthy and nourishing because it raises body temperature and successfully balances Kapha and Vata.
Due to being rich in vitamin C content, it also supports your immunity and guards your body from winter diseases like coughs and colds.
Because strawberries are high in vitamin C, B9, and potassium, they may help control blood sugar levels in winter.
Grapes are rich in antioxidants and potassium, which may help protect your skin and eye health during the winter.
Considering that it is rich in minerals and vitamin C, which may aid in the fight against common wintertime bacterial and fungal infections.
You may be able to combat seasonal illnesses like colds and coughs by eating pineapple in the winter.
This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.