Sep 6, 2024, 11:05 PM IST

Yoga asanas for weight gain

Shweta Singh

This pose strengthens the back and stretches the abdominal area. It helps improve digestion and boosts metabolism. These factors contribute to healthy weight gain.


This asana regulates thyroid function, which is essential for maintaining a balanced body weight. It also improves blood circulation. Both help in managing weight effectively.


This pose helps relieve gas and bloating, making digestion more efficient. Improved digestion leads to a better appetite. This encourages healthy weight gain.


Sitting in Vajrasana improves digestion when done after meals. It allows the body to absorb nutrients more efficiently. This promotes healthy weight gain over time.


This asana stimulates the abdominal organs and improves appetite. It stretches the body, enhancing metabolism. Improved digestion and appetite help in weight gain.


This relaxation pose reduces stress and allows the body to recover. A calm and stress-free mind aids better digestion. This contributes to effective weight gain.


Matsyasana enhances nutrient absorption by improving digestion. It stimulates the thyroid, improving metabolic activity. These actions contribute to weight gain.


Utkatasana strengthens the muscles of the legs and lower body. It also stimulates metabolism, encouraging healthy weight gain. Regular practice helps build muscle mass.
