Jul 4, 2023, 08:29 PM IST

Yoga asanas to improve eye health


Often times we take eye care for granted and straight-up approach doctors when things start to get in the way of our everyday routine. 

But did you know, practising these simple yoga asanas can keep your eyes healthy?

Here some yoga asanas to keep your eyes healthy:


Sit quietly with closed eyes and take deep breaths to relax. 

Rub the palms of your hands until they are warm and then place them gently over your eyelids. 

A warm sensation will seep into your eye muscles and will give you instant relaxation. 

Repeat the whole process at least three times. 


Sit comfortably with your eyes open. 

Blink very quickly 10 times.

Close your eyes and relax for 20 seconds, focusing on your breath. 

Repeat the same about five times. 

Sit with legs straight in front of the body

Sideways viewing

Lift your arms with fists closed and thumbs pointing upwards. 

Look at a straight point in front of your eyes. 

Shift your focus from side to side while keeping the head in a fixed position. 

Repeat the exercise 10 to 20 times. 

You can practice the same by shifting your focus in an up-down manner and even in a circular axis.