Jun 21, 2023, 12:37 PM IST

Yoga for weight loss: 6 asanas that actually work

Shweta Singh

A plank is a great pose for strengthening your core. You might find it simple, but the benefits are immense. Doing planks strengthen your shoulders, back, buttocks, thighs, abs, and core.

Plank pose (phalakasana)

This asana strengthens your core and abdominal area, improves your posture, and stretches your full body. It works on the back, chest, abs, legs, hips, and arms. 

 Bow pose (dhanurasana)

Triangle pose activates lower obliques, strengthens thighs, improves blood circulation in the entire body, and relieves backache. This pose can kickstart your weight loss practice as it helps to burn the fat around your belly and waist.

Triangle pose (trikonasana)

This pose works on the thyroid, glutes, shoulder, spine, thighs, and back, which helps to improve digestion and muscle tone, reduce hypertension and menopause symptoms, and is therefore great for weight loss. 

Bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana)

If you want to tone your body, then the downward-facing dog pose is the perfect solution. This pose helps to strengthen your arms, glutes, thighs, hamstrings, and back. It looks like a resting pose, but when you perform it you can feel the burn. 

Downward facing dog pose

Although there are several variations of chair pose, every pose is great for muscle gain. This pose particularly targets lower body muscle, including your hips, waist, abdominal area, pelvic, inner, outer thighs, and glutes.

Chair pose