Jun 23, 2024, 05:02 PM IST

8 animals that can eat a human whole

Mahipal Chouhan

Sperm Whale: Known for their large size and ability to consume large prey, including giant squid, though they do not typically swallow humans.

Saltwater Crocodile: Extremely powerful and capable of taking down large prey, but swallowing a human whole would be unlikely.

Green Anaconda: The largest snake by weight, capable of consuming large prey, but not known for swallowing humans.

Boa Constrictor: Large constrictor snakes that can potentially swallow smaller animals whole, but not typically humans.

Great White Shark: Could potentially take a human-sized bite, but not capable of swallowing a human whole due to their feeding habits.

Giant Squid: While not likely to swallow a human, they are large enough to potentially cause harm.

Polar Bear: Large predators that could theoretically consume a human, but would not swallow one whole.

Komodo Dragon: Largest lizard species that can consume large prey, but not known for swallowing humans whole.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports