Jul 27, 2024, 08:40 PM IST

 8 animals that have virgin births

Shweta Singh

Female Komodo dragons can reproduce without males, producing offspring that are genetic clones of themselves.

Komodo Dragon

These snakes can reproduce through parthenogenesis, though it's relatively rare.

Green Anaconda

Some species of hammerhead sharks can reproduce through parthenogenesis, especially in captivity.

Hammerhead Shark

These tiny crustaceans can reproduce asexually under certain environmental conditions.

Water Flea

Female Turkish Van cats have been observed reproducing without males in some rare cases.

Turkish Van Cat

Female boa constrictors can reproduce through parthenogenesis, although it’s not the usual mode of reproduction.

Boa Constrictor

Many species of stick insects can reproduce asexually through parthenogenesis.

Stick Insect

Some species of geckos, like the New Zealand gecko, are known to reproduce through parthenogenesis.
