Jun 27, 2024, 05:01 PM IST

 8 animals with most unusual teeth

Mahipal Chouhan

Narwhal: Known for their long, spiral tusk, which is actually an elongated upper left canine tooth.

Vampire Bat: Has razor-sharp incisors that they use to make small cuts in their prey to drink their blood.

Elephant: Possesses large tusks, which are elongated incisors that continue to grow throughout their lives.

Green Sea Turtle: Lacks traditional teeth but has sharp, beak-like structures with serrated edges that help them tear food.

Goblin Shark: Features protrusible jaws with needle-like teeth that can extend to capture prey.

Naked Mole Rat: Has large, ever-growing incisors that protrude outside their mouths, which they use for digging.

Platypus: Adult platypuses lack teeth but have grinding plates and keratinized pads to crush their prey.

Hippopotamus: Has massive, ever-growing incisors and canines, which can reach lengths of up to 1.5 feet (45 cm) and are used for fighting.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports