Jun 28, 2024, 01:15 PM IST

8 unusual hobbies of dictators

Mahipal Chouhan

Kim Jong-Il (North Korea): Amassed over 20,000 movies, loved Hollywood films, kidnapped a director and actress to create propaganda movies.

Saddam Hussein (Iraq): Authored romantic novels and poetry with political themes, making them compulsory reading in Iraqi schools during his rule.

Muammar Gaddafi (Libya): Known for his flamboyant fashion sense and entourage of handpicked, trained female bodyguards called the "Amazonian Guard."

Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union): Actively edited Soviet films to align with political narratives, enjoyed watching Westerns in his private screening room.

Adolf Hitler (Germany): Aspiring artist, continued painting and sketching architectural plans, interested in grand buildings and city layouts.

Idi Amin (Uganda): Loved swimming and scuba diving, often organized diving expeditions and swimming competitions for entertainment.

Benito Mussolini (Italy): Talented violinist, played to relax and occasionally performed publicly, showcasing his musical talent.

Francisco Franco (Spain): Avid philatelist with a significant stamp collection, stamp collecting became one of his favorite pastimes.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports