Aug 20, 2024, 10:18 AM IST

10 animals that can survive on little food and water

Apurwa Amit

Camels: Known for their ability to survive long periods without food or water in arid environments.

Desert Tortoises: Adapted to conserve water and go for long periods without food.

Kangaroo Rats: Can survive on very little water due to efficient kidney function.

Fennec Foxes: Well-adapted to desert life, they can obtain water from food sources.

Thorny Devils: These lizards can collect water through their skin and survive in arid conditions.

Dromedary Beetles: Able to extract moisture from fog in desert regions.

African Lungfish: They can survive out of water for long periods by burrowing into mud.

Sand Gazelles: Have adapted to survive in desert environments with minimal water intake.

Scorpions: They can go without food for extended periods and require minimal water intake.

Barbary Sheep: Well-adapted to arid environments and can survive on limited food and water.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports