Aug 3, 2023, 04:35 PM IST

10 Predators that eat snakes

Mahipal Chouhan

Many animals are known to eat snakes as part of their diet. Some of these snake-eating animals include:

Mongooses: Mongooses are small carnivorous mammals known for their ability to take on venomous snakes, including cobras. They are agile and have thick fur that provides some protection against snake bites.

Eagles: Many species of eagles are skilled snake hunters.

Monitor Lizards: Large monitor lizards, like the Komodo dragon and water monitor, are opportunistic predators that will eat snakes if given the chance.

Falcons: Certain falcon species are known to target snakes.

King Cobras: They are cannibalistic and may eat other snakes, including their own kind.

Roadrunners: These birds are quick and can catch and eat snakes.

Water Snakes: Some species of water snakes consume smaller snakes.

Domestic and Feral Cats: While not a primary diet, some domestic and feral cats may hunt and consume snakes, especially smaller species.

It's essential to note that the ability to eat snakes may vary among individuals within a species. In some cases, a particular predator may consume snakes only opportunistically and not rely on them as a primary food source. Additionally, not all individuals of a species will have the same level of proficiency in hunting and consuming snakes.