Dec 20, 2023, 04:42 PM IST

10 animals that never close their eyes

Mahipal Chouhan

Fish (some species): Many fish do not have eyelids, so their eyes are always open. However, some species have a nictitating membrane, a transparent eyelid-like structure that provides some protection.

Sharks: Sharks do not have true eyelids, and their eyes are always open. They have a specialized membrane that covers their eyes during hunting or when they are being handled.

Snakes: Snakes don't have eyelids, but they have a transparent scale, called a spectacle, over each eye, providing some protection.

Geckos: Some species of geckos lack eyelids and instead have a transparent membrane covering their eyes.

Turtles: Turtles have a protective nictitating membrane that covers their eyes, but it doesn't function like typical eyelids.

Crocodiles: Crocodiles have a protective membrane that covers their eyes, especially when submerged, but it's not a true eyelid.

Birds of prey (e.g., eagles): Some birds of prey, like eagles, have a third eyelid called a nictitating membrane, which helps protect their eyes during flight and hunting.

Insects: Insects typically don't have eyelids. Instead, they may have compound eyes or simple eyes that are always exposed.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports