Aug 31, 2024, 05:48 PM IST

10 animals with super senses

Shweta Singh

Use echolocation to navigate and hunt in complete darkness, emitting high-pitched sounds that bounce off objects.


Possess electroreceptors called ampullae of Lorenzini, allowing them to detect electric fields produced by the movements of prey.


Have exceptional night vision and asymmetric ears, which help them accurately locate prey by sound alone in the dark.


Use their forked tongues and Jacobson's organ to "taste" the air, helping them detect prey and navigate.


Possess a highly developed sense of smell, up to 100,000 times more sensitive than humans, enabling them to detect scents over long distances.


Can see ultraviolet light, which helps them detect patterns on flowers that guide them to nectar.


Communicate using infrasound, low-frequency sounds that can travel long distances, allowing them to communicate with other elephants miles away.


Possess a magnetic sense, allowing them to detect the Earth's magnetic field and navigate across long distances, often returning to the same location with pinpoint accuracy.
