Sep 8, 2024, 09:53 PM IST

10 animals you won't believe exist

Shweta Singh

Known as the "Mexican walking fish," this amphibian has the ability to regenerate its limbs and never undergoes full metamorphosis.


With its unique, oversized, tube-like nose, this antelope from Central Asia looks like an otherworldly creature.

Saiga Antelope

The smallest species of armadillo, this tiny creature has a pink shell and burrows underground in South America.

Pink Fairy Armadillo

This large bird with an enormous, shoe-shaped bill looks prehistoric and is known for its slow, deliberate movements.

Shoebill Stork

Discovered in the deep sea, this crustacean is covered in hair-like bristles that give it a furry appearance.

Yeti Crab

Named after its resemblance to Disney's Dumbo, this deep-sea octopus has ear-like fins that help it glide through the water.

Dumbo Octopus

Known as "water bears," these microscopic creatures can survive extreme environments, from boiling water to outer space.


Often called the "unicorn of the sea," this Arctic whale has a long, spiral tusk that looks like a mythical creature's horn.


Found in Madagascar, this nocturnal primate has large eyes and an unusually long middle finger it uses to extract insects from trees.
