Aug 26, 2023, 04:48 PM IST

10 Birds with most formidable and powerful claws

Mahipal Chouhan

Harpy Eagle: The harpy eagle is known for its large and strong talons, which help it snatch prey from treetops in tropical rainforests. Its grip is incredibly powerful, allowing it to capture a variety of animals.

Golden Eagle: Golden eagles are renowned for their strong, sharp talons that they use to catch and hold onto prey. They often hunt mammals and birds, including animals larger than themselves.

Osprey: With curved and sharp talons, ospreys are skilled at fishing. They can dive into water to catch fish and then use their powerful grip to carry the slippery prey away.

Secretary Bird: These birds have long legs and strong, stomp-like talons. They use their legs to kick and stomp on their prey, which can include snakes and small mammals, delivering powerful blows.

Peregrine Falcon: Peregrine falcons possess sharp talons that they use during high-speed hunting dives to catch birds and other flying prey in mid-air.

Gyrfalcon: Inhabiting cold Arctic regions, gyrfalcons have strong talons adapted to catching birds and small mammals. Their powerful grip helps them secure prey in harsh conditions.

Crowned Eagle: Found in dense forests of Africa, crowned eagles have robust talons to catch and subdue relatively large prey, including monkeys and other small mammals.

Northern Goshawk: Goshawks have strong talons that make them agile predators in forests. They use their talons to capture a variety of prey, including birds and mammals.

African Fish Eagle: These eagles have large talons designed for catching fish from rivers and lakes. Their strong grip enables them to carry heavy fish from the water.

Great Horned Owl: Great horned owls are nocturnal hunters with powerful talons. They can capture a wide range of prey, thanks to their strong grip and hunting prowess.