Aug 29, 2024, 07:39 PM IST

10 endangered animals making a comeback

Shweta Singh

Increased conservation efforts and habitat preservation have helped the population rebound.

Giant Panda

Protection under the Endangered Species Act and banning of DDT have contributed to its recovery in North America.

Bald Eagle

Intensive captive breeding and reintroduction programs have helped stabilize the population.

Black-footed Ferret

Conservation initiatives and anti-poaching measures have led to a gradual increase in numbers.

Amur Leopard

Global conservation efforts and protection of nesting sites are aiding its recovery.

Hawksbill Turtle

Captive breeding and reintroduction programs have helped the population grow.

California Condor

Habitat management and anti-poaching efforts have increased its numbers in protected areas.

Indian Rhino

Conservation programs and community involvement have helped stabilize and increase the population.

Snow Leopard

Conservation measures and nesting site protection are aiding its recovery.

Green Sea Turtle