Aug 23, 2023, 05:40 PM IST

10 Most stunning white animals on Earth

Mahipal Chouhan

White Bengal Tiger: This majestic big cat's white coat and piercing blue eyes make it a captivating sight.

Arctic Fox: Its pristine white fur helps it blend into snowy landscapes, and its bushy tail is an iconic feature.

Snow Owl: Also known as the snowy owl, this bird of prey boasts white plumage that camouflages it against snowy surroundings.

Polar Bear: The largest land carnivores, polar bears have a thick white coat that insulates them in their icy habitat.

Albino Peacock: These rare peacocks have white feathers with strikingly beautiful patterns, and their lack of coloration is due to albinism.

White Lion: While not as common as their tawny counterparts, white lions possess a unique and captivating appearance.

White Peacock Butterfly: This butterfly species features stunning white wings with intricate patterns that catch the light.

White Koala: While not truly white, some koalas with a silver-gray fur color can give off a white-ish appearance.

White Cobra: Certain species of cobras can exhibit white coloration, making them particularly captivating and dangerous.

White Hummingbird: White or partially white hummingbirds are rare but captivating, especially with their iridescent feathers catching the light.