Jul 29, 2024, 12:55 PM IST

10 most dangerous countries in the world

Shivam Verma

South Sudan: Civil war, ethnic violence, and political instability contribute to high levels of danger in South Sudan.

Syria: The Syrian Civil War has led to severe violence, displacement, and humanitarian crises, with ongoing fighting and terrorist activities.

Somalia: Persistent conflict with Al-Shabaab militants, piracy, and weak governance create a highly volatile environment.

Yemen: Civil war, terrorist activities, and a severe humanitarian crisis make Yemen one of the most dangerous places in the world.

Central African Republic: Armed groups control large parts of the country, causing frequent violent clashes and instability.

Libya: Ongoing conflict between rival factions, militant groups, and a lack of effective government contribute to Libya's dangerous status.

Iraq: While the situation has improved, terrorist attacks, political instability, and sectarian violence still pose significant dangers.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Armed conflict, ethnic violence, and a weak government make many regions of the DRC highly dangerous.

Honduras: High rates of violent crime, gang activity, and political instability make Honduras one of the most dangerous countries in Latin America.

Afghanistan: Ongoing conflict with the Taliban, terrorist attacks, and political instability make Afghanistan extremely dangerous.