Jul 8, 2023, 04:05 PM IST

10 Most powerful weapons used in Mahabharata

Mahipal Chouhan

Sudarshana Chakra: This was the personal weapon of Lord Vishnu and was wielded by Lord Krishna. The Sudarshana Chakra was a spinning disc-like weapon with sharp edges. It was said to be invincible and could annihilate any enemy.

Pashupatastra: This weapon belonged to Lord Shiva. It was a powerful celestial weapon capable of destroying the universe. The Pashupatastra was said to be incredibly potent and could only be used once in a lifetime.

Brahmashirastra: This weapon was similar to the Brahmastra but of a lower magnitude. It was an incredibly powerful weapon that could cause mass destruction. The Brahmashirastra had the power to destroy the world, and its use demanded immense responsibility.

Vasavi Shakti: Vasavi Shakti was the weapon given to Karna, one of the central characters in the Mahabharata. It was granted to him by Indra as a reward for his noble deeds. Vasavi Shakti was an invincible dart that could only be used once. It had the power to kill any opponent, regardless of their strength or defenses.

Brahmastra: This was the ultimate weapon in the Mahabharata. It was considered a divine celestial weapon, created by Lord Brahma. The Brahmastra had the power to destroy the entire world, and its use required immense knowledge and concentration.

Vijaya Bow: Vijaya was Karna's divine bow, renowned for its strength and precision. It was gifted to Karna by Lord Shiva as a reward for his unwavering devotion. The Vijaya Bow was said to be indestructible and capable of launching powerful arrows.

Agneyastra: This weapon was associated with Agni, the god of fire. The Agneyastra was a missile that unleashed a great conflagration and could burn entire armies. It was a devastating weapon against both men and weapons.

Vajra: The Vajra, also known as the thunderbolt, was a weapon associated with Lord Indra, the king of the gods. It was a celestial weapon made of a divine metal and had immense destructive power. The Vajra was described as a mighty mace or a lightning bolt that could penetrate and destroy anything in its path.

Vayavastra: This celestial weapon was associated with Vayu, the god of wind. The Vayavastra was a powerful missile that could create strong winds, storms, and whirlwinds. It could disorient and destroy the enemy forces.

Nagastra: This weapon was associated with the Nagas, the serpent-like beings in Hindu mythology. The Nagastra was a divine missile that could release numerous deadly serpents upon the enemy. It caused immense fear and chaos.

Gandiva: The Gandiva was the celestial bow wielded by Arjuna, one of the Pandava princes. It was given to him by Lord Agni, the god of fire. The Gandiva was a powerful and divine bow that played a crucial role in many battles throughout the epic.