Jun 26, 2024, 06:37 AM IST

10 newest countries in the world

Shweta Singh

July 9, 2011: Gained independence from Sudan following a referendum.

South Sudan

February 17, 2008: Declared independence from Serbia. Recognition is still contested by some countries.


June 3, 2006: Became independent from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro after a referendum.


June 5, 2006: Became an independent country after Montenegro's declaration of independence dissolved the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.


May 20, 2002: Gained full independence from Indonesia after a period of UN administration following a referendum.

Timor-Leste (East Timor)

October 1, 1994: Became independent from the United States-administered United Nations Trusteeship.


May 24, 1993: Gained independence from Ethiopia following a long war and a referendum.


 January 1, 1993: The peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia resulted in the creation of these two countries.

Czech Republic and Slovakia

March 21, 1990: Gained independence from South African administration.
