Jun 4, 2024, 04:09 PM IST

10 most intelligent animals on Earth

Babloo Konsam

Animals are often smarter than we give them credit for, display a wide range of cognitive abilities, from problem-solving to communication.


Chimpanzees exhibit advanced problem-solving skills, tool use, and complex social structures. They can learn sign language and have been observed using medicinal plants to treat illness.


Dolphins are known for their playful nature, but they are also incredibly intelligent. They have a complex communication system, show self-awareness, and can learn and pass on new behaviors to their pod members.


Elephants have excellent memory and display strong emotional intelligence. They can recognize themselves in a mirror, show empathy towards others, and even mourn their dead.


Crows are problem-solving masters. They can use tools, recognize human faces, and even understand the concept of displacement. 


Octopuses are the most intelligent invertebrates. They can navigate mazes, solve puzzles, and even use tools. Some species have been observed carrying coconut shells for shelter.


Pigs are highly intelligent and emotionally complex animals. They can learn tricks, respond to their names, and even play video games using their snouts.

African Grey Parrots

 African Grey Parrots have impressive language skills. They can learn and use an extensive vocabulary, understand abstract concepts, and even create new words by combining existing ones.


Rats are skilled problem-solvers and quick learners. They can navigate complex mazes, learn from their mistakes, and even show empathy towards other rats in distress.


Dogs, our loyal companions, are highly intelligent and emotionally attuned. They can learn numerous commands, recognize human emotions, and even detect certain diseases like cancer.


Squirrels are master strategists when it comes to storing food. They can remember the locations of hundreds of buried nuts, use deceptive tactics to protect their stashes, and even plan for the future.

Photo credits : Pexels / Unsplash