Jan 10, 2024, 08:56 PM IST

10 travel tips if you are planning to visit Lakshadweep

Khushi Patel

To visit Lakshadweep, you must obtain the appropriate entry permit. While foreign visitors require special permission, Indian tourists must have an entry permit. Prior to your trip, make sure you have all the necessary paperwork and permits

From October to mid-May, when the weather is pleasant and the sea is calm enough for water sports like diving and snorkeling, is the ideal time to visit Lakshadweep

Lightweight, comfy clothing appropriate for tropical weather should be packed. Remember to pack swimwear, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Add some basic medications and insect repellent to your kit as well

Lakshadweep possesses a distinct culture. Be mindful of cultural traditions, dress modestly, and get permission before taking pictures of people or their property

There aren't many lodging options in Lakshadweep, and they tend to fill up quickly, especially during the busiest travel seasons. Make reservations for your hotel or resort in advance to guarantee availability

Because there may not be many medical facilities on the islands, bring a first aid kit, mosquito repellent, and basic medications

Since not all islands have easy access to ATMs, make sure you have enough cash on hand to cover your expenses. It's possible that certain resorts or businesses don't take cards

The primary mode of transportation between islands is boat. Recognize that weather can have an impact on travel between islands, and plan ahead for boat schedules. Make appropriate travel plans

Activities on the water that Lakshadweep offers are glass-bottom boat rides, kayaking, scuba diving, and snorkeling. To avoid missing out, especially during the busiest times of the year, reserve tours and activities in advance

Taste the cuisine and specialties of the area, but use caution if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies. If you are following a special diet, bring the necessities

The list is based on several reports.