Feb 1, 2024, 12:22 PM IST

10 unique animals only found in Saudi Arabia

Mahipal Chouhan

Arabian Oryx: Elegant desert antelope, white coat, long straight horns. Successfully reintroduced after extinction in the wild.

Arabian Leopard: Elusive big cat, critically endangered. Inhabit mountainous regions of southwest Saudi Arabia.

Arabian Sand Gazelle: Desert-dwelling gazelle, adapted to sandy landscapes. Found in various regions of Saudi Arabia.

Sand Cat: Small desert cat with distinctive ears, broad face. Well-adapted to sandy environments in Saudi Arabia.

Arabian Red Fox: Fox subspecies adapted to desert life. Inhabit various regions of Saudi Arabia.

Pharaoh Eagle-Owl: Large owl found in rocky desert areas and wadis in Saudi Arabia.

Arabian Spiny-tailed Lizard: Herbivorous desert lizard adapted to sandy environments in Saudi Arabia.

Arabian Partridge: Desert-adapted partridge found in rocky habitats across various regions of Saudi Arabia.