Aug 20, 2024, 06:08 PM IST

5 animals with unique blood color

Deepika Shakya

Unique blood colors are found in various animals

Here are five animals with unique blood colors

Their blood is blue due to a copper based molecule called hemocyanin. This helps them detect bacterial infections and is used in medical tests.

Horseshoe Crab

Octopuses have blue blood because of hemocyanin, which helps them survive in low-oxygen environments underwater.


Earthworms have a red color in their blood due to the presence of hemoglobin, the same molecule that makes human blood red, but their blood is also more efficient at transporting oxygen.


Cockroach blood is yellow because it contains a molecule called hemolymph, which doesn’t have red blood cells. 


These marine animals have a red pigment in their blood called vanabins, which contain vanadium.

Sea Squirt

Each of these colors reflects different adaptations and functions in their environments.