Aug 22, 2024, 03:24 PM IST

5 coldest places on earth 

Deepika Shakya

The coldest places on Earth are characterized by their extreme low temperatures and harsh climates.

Here are 5 coldest places on earth

Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. The temperature can drop below -89°C


Greenland, particularly its ice sheet, experiences frigid temperatures. In places like Summit Station, temperatures can plunge to -60°F (-51°C) or lower.


Siberia, especially the town of Oymyakon, is one of the coldest inhabited places. Winter temperatures can drop to -67°C, making it incredibly cold.

Siberia, Russia

Alaska, the town of Barrow is known for its extreme cold, with winter temperatures frequently falling below -62.2°C

Alaska, USA

The Yukon region in Canada, experiences extremely low temperatures, often reaching -63°C during winter.

Canada’s Yukon

These locations are known for their extreme and challenging cold conditions