Aug 9, 2024, 03:08 PM IST

5 most colourful animals found in India

Deepika Shakya

Here are 5 most colorful animals found in India

Peacock's tail displays a spectacular array of eye-catching colors, making it one of the most colorful birds in India.


This bird features stunning plumage with vibrant colors, including bright white feathers with a long, elegant tail and hints of orange and black.

Indian Paradise Flycatcher

The Indian Kingfisher is striking with its brilliant blue and orange feathers. Its colorful appearance is particularly noticeable when it flies over water bodies.


This snake stands out with its bright green scales.

Green Vine Snake

This bird sports a striking combination of black and bright yellow feathers, which makes it highly visible and vibrant against the green backdrop of its environment.

Black-hooded Oriole

India is home to a variety of colorful animals

Each of these animals adds a splash of color to India's diverse wildlife.