Aug 21, 2024, 11:49 AM IST

5 unique tribes in the world

Deepika Shakya

The world is home to diverse tribes, each with unique cultures and traditions.

Here are 5 unique tribes around the world

The Himba people are known for their distinctive red ochre body paint and elaborate hairstyles.

Himba (Namibia)

The Maasai are famous for their bright red clothing and intricate beadwork.

Maasai (Kenya and Tanzania)

The Inuit, also known as Eskimos, live in the Arctic regions of Canada and Greenland.

Inuit (Canada and Greenland)

The Huli people are known for their elaborate face paint and traditional headdresses made from feathers.

Huli (Papua New Guinea)

The Sami, also known as Lapps, inhabit parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.

Sami (Northern Europe)

Each tribe has its own distinct way of life, contributing to the rich tapestry of human culture.