Jul 1, 2024, 08:21 PM IST

6 ancient cities which are now discovered

Varnika Srivastava

Seven ancient cities, once civilization centers, have been rediscovered through dedicated archaeological efforts and legends, revealing their ingenuity and culture.

Pompeii, buried under volcanic ash, was rediscovery in 1748 by Spanish engineer Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre, revealing well-preserved Roman life and artifacts.

Machu Picchu, a 15th-century Inca citadel in the Andes Mountains, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a major tourist attraction, showcasing Inca architectural prowess.

German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann's 1870s excavations in Turkey confirmed the existence of ancient Troy, revealing Bronze Age settlements, fortifications, houses, and artifacts, including "Priam's Treasure."

French explorer Henri Mouhot rediscovered Angkor, the Khmer Empire's capital, in the 19th century, revealing a vast urban landscape, sophisticated water management systems, and architectural marvels.

Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was rediscovered by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812, revealing its stunning architecture, strategic location, and advanced water management systems.

Mohenjo-Daro, a 2500 BCE Indus Valley Civilization city, was rediscovered in the 1920s by Indian archaeologist R. D. Banerji, revealing advanced urban planning and rich cultural heritage.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports